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POLICY, PROCEDURE, & GUIDELINES                             12/07

with Explanation & Consequences

1)  All residents who have not graduated high school will work toward acquiring a GED. Residents who are not previously registered will do so during the first month after admission.  Documentation of GED attendance to staff is necessary at least once weekly.
  Although achieving a high school diploma is an individual right and choice, we believe that acquiring one will help to boost self-esteem.  Raising ones' self-esteem is a major source of relapse prevention.  Most residents do not realize how much they have learned from their life experiences and how simple it might be to pass the equivalency exam.
 Consequence for not complying is continued low self-esteem and a  reduction in the chances for personal recovery.

2)  This policy deals with responsibility.  We understand it may be difficult to save a lot of money, but even a small amount will feel good in this case.  This too will help with raising self-esteem and for some, help acquire funds for a personal living space.  You may save up to $20 a week until rent is caught up and paid in full. Then you may save as much as you choose, but do save some each week
All residents are to acquire either a savings or checking account before completion of the program.  Staff will need to see either a current check book or savings account book for verification. No credit or bank cards.
    Consequence for not complying is continued placement in the program.

3)  All residents are to be involved with at least one form of group or individual counseling as deemed appropriate by self and staff, or continue with their current counseling program.  Documentation of attendance is necessary.  12-step programs are not included.
          Serenity Recovery Network does not provide any professional services. This is a recovery based program.  We believe that professional treatment works very well toward the recovery process.  All residents must show willingness by complying with this policy.  There are times when weekly step work with sponsor and other meetings are accepted for counseling, after completion of the first step with your sponsor.
Consequence for refusal to follow agreed suggestions may result in an unsuccessful stay at the program.

4)  Residents are expected to work full time during their entire stay unless there are medical reasons why that is not possible.  Residents are expected to be present at both meditation meetings and attend at least one 12-step meeting daily while not working.
 Work, as with school, is a major life area that must be incorporated into the recovery process. It is not acceptable to quit one job until you have found another. A full time job entails tax and child support deductions.
Continued failure to maintain regular employment and/or falling behind in rent agreement will eventually result in an unsuccessful stay.

5)  Residents are not able to work third shift jobs as the program is not able to fully support those on that shift.  Although work is an important part of the recovery process, recovery comes first.  Without it, there would be no job for any length of time.
 This is an ongoing dilemma.  Third shift does not fit into the structured program.  Recovery is the first priority.  There have been some exceptions to this policy in the past and not one of them has been positive.  It does seem that those who work a first shift tend to be able to maintain a stronger focus on their recovery.  It is suggested to try to acquire first shift employment.

6)  Putting in 8-10 applications per day is considered full-time work and will be counted as such.  The resident will give name, phone numbers, and signatures of agencies applied to on the Employer Contact List, or show completed applications.  A full time job needs to be acquired within 10 working days.
 Work is work.  Some residents may do volunteer work.  Work is not necessarily indicated by an income. You may be asked to document all applications.  If so, either bring home a copy, or show us the completed application before you submit it.  Of course we trust you; we don't trust your disease.
No job in 10 working days, without serious willingness, will probably result in an unsuccessful stay. Again, it is not OK to quit one job until you have found another.

7)  All residents will keep administration appraised of employment and sponsor, as well as attendance records of other programs.  Other programs include 12-step meetings, anger/rage, GED classes, peer group, life skills, financial management, intensive outpatient services, early recovery, meetings with probation/parole etc.
 All program attendance forms will be turned in weekly at the individual meeting.  There may be consequences for non-attendance if appropriate documentation cannot be made.

8)  Residents may apply for food stamps on the first full day of residence, unless they are already employed.  This is a one time deal!!!  This one is pretty simple.  Consequence is: No food stamps.

9)  There are meditation meetings held within the house in which the residents need to fully participate in order to successfully complete their stay.  Each morning Monday through Friday at 10 AM there is a meditation meeting, as well as each evening Monday through Thursday at 9:30 PM. Each resident needs to attend at least one of these meetings per day, both if their work schedule allows for it that day.  An occasional meditation may be missed with prior approval from Director. Meditation is a good way to start the day, and a good way to end the day.  If at all possible both meditation meetings need to be attended.  This is to ensure the utmost benefits for recovery. A resident may ask for a house meditation at other times when there is not one scheduled, like Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday morning. These meditations are attended by choice.
Consequence for missing meditation without a legitimate excuse may result in an unsuccessful stay, especially if the excuse is "I was cooking, watching TV, doing laundry, smoking a cigarette or talking on the phone ".

10)  Every Sunday from 4:30 PM until 6:30 PM there is a mandatory meeting for all residents, with very few exceptions.  This consists of a house meeting to discuss pertinent house related issues, an occasional informational presentation, and may include a daily meditation.  On the third Sunday, every other month, the program will host a Recovery Dinner at 5:30PM.  On this Sunday house meeting will still occur at 4:30 PM, when necessary. All residents are encouraged to invite their sponsors to attend this dinner. If your sponsor attends you may document this on your weekly meeting attendance sheet as a regular meeting.                   Consequences same as above.

12)  The house curfew is 9:30PM week nights, for weekends and holidays it is 12:00AM.  The only exceptions are as follows: on weekend evenings, after chores have been inspected and approved, residents are permitted to go to a 10PM meeting. On Saturday evenings, residents are permitted to go to recovery oriented functions.  In these two cases the curfew is 1:30AM, with prior staff approval, as well as, changing any previous plans.
Consequences same as above. Any resident that is more than a half an hour late returning without calling-in and changing return time may be drug tested at their own expense ($5 per test).

13)  All residents are expected to attend a minimum of six outside AA/NA meetings per week, document them in depth on the appropriate form, and turn them in during weekly meeting with staff.  If you miss a meeting, for any reason, then you will be expected to make it up the following week.  An hour meeting one-on-one with your sponsor constitutes as two meetings; there may not be less than four outside meetings per week.  Six meetings per week with no sponsor contact.  One time per week a speaker tape may be documented as a meeting only to make number seven.
 This would really be ninety meetings in ninety days.  Actually what a great idea.  NA/AA meetings may be the single most important thing you do while you are here other than working steps with your sponsor.  They will definitely be after you leave.
 Consequence for less than six meetings a week, failure to document  meetings appropriately, honestly, and on time, will result in more  meetings per week and possibly an unsuccessful stay.

14)  Visiting hours are between meditation and house meetings, with prior staff approval.  That is usually between 11:00 AM and 9:00 PM throughout the week.  Only sponsors and alumni are permitted on the second & third floor and to visit at other times, if accompanied with current resident.   No one under the age of 18 is permitted to enter the house at any time without parental consent.  Only resident family members, close loved ones, and others in recovery are permitted to visit or phone residents. The only new close relationships that are permitted during your stay in the program are with a Higher Power of choice, a 12-step program of choice, an appropriate sponsor, and a support system of recovering men. This limit is there to help ensure that the focus is on recovery and not relationships.
Consequence is that any visit without prior staff approval will be  terminated after twenty minutes.

15)  There are other self-centered individuals in this program besides yourself who would like to talk on the phone for extended periods of time.  There is not enough time in one day to accommodate you all, so a time limit has been imposed.                                                                                                               
                Phone call limits are ten minutes between 8:00 AM and 12:00 AM. Only emergency calls and calls with ones sponsor are permitted, in or out, between 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM.  No personal relationship calls between 1 PM & 5 PM.  Please answer the phone "Hello, this is ___your name___, how may I help you"?  Do not yell for the person who is receiving the call.  Check the sign out board, if the person is not here, tell the caller when they will be back.  Do not tell the caller where they are unless resident has formally asked others to do so, children, PO’s, etc. If they are in the house, ask the caller to hold and GO get them.  If you don't want to take a message don't answer the phone.  Please write the time and your name on the board when taking messages. Do not bring phones in bedrooms.
 Consequences could be individual phone restriction, or removal of  telephone or telephones for a period of time.
 If messages are not taken properly phones could be removed.

16)  Every resident will find an appropriate sponsor and begin to work the steps with them within the first three weeks, and will remain in orientation until sponsor is in place.  An appropriate sponsor is a male recovering individual who attends a particular 12-step fellowship (AA, or NA), and has worked through at least the first five steps with their sponsor. If they have less than two years of continuous recovery they would do well by gaining there sponsors approval.
 Sponsorship is at least as important as the 12-step meetings.  Speaking of the twelve steps, try working them with your sponsor.  You'll be amazed at the results.  A minimum of one hour per week one-on-one with your sponsor is suggested as well as working at least the first five steps with him during your stay here.  The first three steps are required for a successful stay.
 Consequences have one within three weeks or else one of the Directors will fill in as a sponsor. Your first assignment is to read the Basic Text and/or Big Book cover to cover. If you still do not have a sponsor, the director will begin your step work assignments.  These assignments will definitely be more than a normal sponsor would ask.

17) Each resident receives a composition book upon admission.  This is to be utilized as a writing tool to express feelings appropriately, as well as a journal and use for step work with a sponsor.  Residents are strongly recommended to use this tool.  Journaling also aids with recovery, and is strongly recommended. Senior residents may journal daily instead of meeting documentation, with prior staff approval.
                   You'll be amazed at the results.       
 Consequence: Not journaling will stunt you emotional growth,  hampering your recovery.

18)  During the first thirty days, the only relationships that are permissible are with your Higher Power, your sponsor, and the 12-step fellowship of your choice.  If you were in a committed monogamous relationship before your admission to the program, you may begin to establish healthy communications after their attendance at the family program.  Until their participation in the family program is completed only minimal contact is allowed.  Relationships with children are also a top priority, house staff will assist with arranging regular visitation or other contact.  If you were not already involved in a relationship prior to your admission, you can wait until your discharge before you begin one. 
 Consequence, if you involve yourself in a new and previously uncommitted relationship, and you feel it is really important to your recovery, you can move in with them immediately.                                

19)  There will be no extended visits (more than two hours), outside the house, with relatives or close intimate non-using friends for at least the first two to four weeks.  There will be no overnight visits with appropriate individuals for at least the first thirty to sixty days.  There may be, in special cases, some need for family reunification during the last few weeks of stay.  Overnight visits must include recovery meetings during that day.
 The reasoning behind so many outside events needing prior staff approval is that we are dealing with the disease of addiction.  Our disease wants to kill us.  Anytime we give it the opportunity to act up it will, especially in early recovery.   Our disease is cunning, baffling, powerful and patient.  If we plan things in advance and follow through by sticking to our commitments and responsibilities, we strengthen our recovery and arrest our addiction. 
 All weekend plans MUST be approved by house staff.  If your plans change they MUST be re-approved by the same staff.  Otherwise, stay around the house; go to meetings and recovery events with other residents  of the house or your sponsor.  Any resident who is not following the plans made with staff and/or is gone more then 24 hours without contact is considered (MIA) missing in action.  If you are on probation they will be notified immediately.
Failure to follow this guideline will result in loss of home visit privileges and a possible unsuccessful stay.

20)  Each resident participates in their share of maintaining a clean environment.  House chores are assigned upon arrival.  The chore you are given, after kitchen, is yours until a chore of your choice becomes open, unless it is mutually agreed with another resident to trade and approved by the Director. Each chore should be done daily, and will be checked by the chore captain.
A plus mark will be placed by each chore each day of the week starting on Thursday.  A plus check mark indicates that the chore was done satisfactorily, and minus mark indicates that the chore was not.  A minus indicates that something more needs to be done.  See chore captain.  A star means good-job. One minus is leniently acceptable.  If you receive one it would be a good idea to ask what needed to be done more efficiently.  With a second minus mark free long distant phone calls will not be permissible.  If you receive two it would be a good idea to ask each remaining day of that week, if you are doing a better job.  A third minus mark may result in house restriction for the following weekend.  This means work and meetings are permissible, and that's it.  No visitors or home visits, no eating meals out of the house, no shopping for personal needs and no recovery functions until chore is completed satisfactorily.  Meetings on Friday and Saturday will be mandatory so you can talk about your anger and how much you resent paying consequences for your behavior.

A fourth minus mark within any seven day period would be an obvious lack of willingness to change.  This occurrence two weeks in a row, or three times during your entire stay, may result in an unsuccessful stay.
It's not what we are doing that's the problem; it's what we're not doing.  It's the little things that we aren't doing that add up and cause the big problems to occur.  It all starts with the little responsibilities we were never able to manage in our addiction; doing dishes, washing clothes, washing our bodies, cleaning the bathroom, putting butts in appropriate containers, emptying ashtrays, making our beds, putting our clothes away, and especially recycling our garbage.  Doing these little insignificant things is an interregnal part of our recovery.  It will not only make us feel better, but we will look better and smell better.

Consequence for chores not being done properly will be given to all residents assigned to that chore.  However, if it is brought to the Directors attention that the unmanageability is due to one particular individual it will be addressed accordingly, hopefully in mutual agreement.
All discrepancies with marks may be brought to the Directors for final negotiation.  The Staff is responsible for giving direction to the Chore Captain with specific concerns about particular chores. It is the Chore Captain's responsibility to write down further concerns to Staff.  His choice is to either complete the chore appropriately with notification to the individual whose chore is in question, or ask them to do it. The chore captain is to make appropriate marks by each chore daily, a plus, a minus, or a star.  Any problems with an individual and their chore should first be brought up with the Chore Captain.  If an amenable decision can not be easily reach the Directors will mediate a final negotiation.

21) All residents are to recycle by cleaning and discarding appropriate items in the recycling bin. Please read recycling procedure on the left wall by kitchen entrance. This includes putting pop cans and pop tabs in their proper places. Please clean up the mess you make while cooking or you'll be choosing to clean the entire kitchen.  This means all spills on counter tops, inside the refrigerator, on top of the stove, and in the ovens including the microwave.
If you chose to cook a meal for the house or a group of residents, which is an admirable thing to do, it is your responsibility to see that the kitchen is left clean. Anyone who has a meal cooked for them could show their appreciation by making sure that this is done.

The Directors are always on dishes and will keep an on going list which follows:

1. Anyone found out to leave a dish, cup, silverware, utensil, pot, pan,      
     container, (you get the idea) anywhere in the house, kitchen, sink, stove, 
     living room, upstairs lounge, bedroom etc. for the first time, will be on 
     dishes for one month = 30 days.  No more than 16 residents may be on 
     dishes at any given time.

2. There is a ten minute cigarette smoking grace period after eating a meal before dishes / pots and pans must be done.  Leaving a drink glass, bowl etc. anywhere in the house when you leave a room for more than ten minutes is a definite violation of this dishes policy.  If you plan to be in the bathroom or on the phone for more than ten minutes take your stuff with you.  Hint: phone calls are limited to ten minutes.

3. The second time an individual is put on dishes it will be for 60 days, the third time 90 days. Scary part is you cannot successfully complete your stay while you are on dishes.
         (or outside)
     If you are smoking on either porch or upstairs patio, please
     empty the ashtray you used before leaving the patio or porch.  Absolutely
     no flicking of cigarette butts anywhere but in the butt cans provided on   
     front and back porch. Violation of this policy could mean dishes, and              
     includes at least a reprimand from the directors, like picking up all the     
     discarded butts on the property, including the bus stop sidewalk.
 Please start emptying ashtrays regularly.  This is a very small part of your building a very long recovery for yourself.
 Consider flicking cigarette butts out the window of a vehicle you are in as the most self-centered thing anyone could do next to committing suicide.

22) All residents are responsible for their own rooms, which will be inspected weekly.  If not done satisfactorily, you will not move from #9, or you may be asked to move back into #9.  Individual rooms are to be kept clean at all times.  Sleeping rooms need to be unlocked at night because there will be regular random bed checks.  All personal items need to be kept in individual sleeping rooms.
 Do not leave shoes, coats, blankets, pillows etc., in any other room but your own when you leave it.  No sleeping in any room or bed other than the one you are assigned.
When leaving the program or changing rooms it is your responsibility to leave that room in a condition better than when you moved in it.
 Do not leave you personal belongings around the house anywhere other than your room.  Personal articles left outside your room will be confiscated and returned with a one time warning, the second time 48 hours, the third time one week.  The 4th incident will result in it being returned to you upon your departure since it is obvious you don't need it at this time.

23)  Absolutely no gambling or pornography of any kind is permitted on any Serenity Recovery Network property at any time for any reason. There may be severe consequences if this guideline is violated.
 Addiction is not a substance it is a behavior used to cover up our reality.  Any addictive behavior will be brought into the open and confronted.  Pornography and gambling are two of those behaviors and will not be tolerated.
 Consequence may be an unsuccessful stay.
24)  Street and/or jail language belongs there.  Loud, obscene, abusive, foul language will not be tolerated, especially if it is directed to another individual.
Consequence is to write in journal about why this behavior is a part of  our addiction.

25)  The trading or selling of personal items to other residents, alumni, or other visitors is not permitted.  The borrowing or loaning of money or personal items between residents is not encouraged. When in need of financial assistance, please ask Director(s) for a one week loan.  As long as money is repaid weekly, you may continue to borrow weekly.
 Buying or selling things for a quick money fix is a part of our addictive behavior.
Consequence is confiscation of these items, to be returned upon discharge since you obviously don't need them right now.

26)  TV hours are between 6 AM - 9:30 AM, 12 Noon - 2 PM, 5 PM - 7 PM, and 11 PM - 1 AM, Monday through Thursday.  Stereo hours are between 10:30 AM - 9:30 PM.
 Watching TV is not recovery oriented, it distracts from communication and isolates.  Therefore there are hours where it is permissible but they are limited.  DO NOT begin to watch a movie after 11:30 PM Sunday through Thursday. The stereo may be listened to at a reasonable volume between meditation meetings.  Anytime someone asks for it to be turned down it will be done.  The only complaints that administration should hear is that the stereo is too low.  Video rental or video watching is limited to the weekends, between Fridays after meditation until house meeting 4:30 PM Sunday.  There is no time restriction for the stereo or the TV if what is being viewed or listened to is recovery oriented, i.e. speaker tape, addiction workshop video, TV story on addiction or recovery.  Also if you must get non-brain using videos i.e. “Coyote Ugly” and the like, Please find another movie with some sustenance i.e. “Finding Forester”.
 Consequences may affect entire house, especially if someone leaves the TV on unattended for any length of time and does not admit to it.

27)  The purchasing of personal items such as stereos, cars, expensive jewelry, tattoos, TV, cell phones etc. needs to be approved by a Director prior to purchase.  If you are not absolutely sure about what this policy entails, ASK.
 Past experience shows that buying things on time before you are caught up on rent and/or child support and finished paying court fines is not a good idea.  We are addicts and we want what we want when we want it.  This has always caused problems for us in the past.  We need to begin to learn from these past mistakes. We learn from history that we don’t learn from history.
 Consequences could result in an unsuccessful stay.

28)  As this is a men's program it is imperative that we have the utmost respect for all humans, especially women.  Any disrespect will be dealt with harshly.No explanation necessary.
 Consequence is loss of any personal visitation and phone calls for an  undetermined amount of time.
29)  Most of the guidelines listed here are negotiable.  This one is not.  Anyone caught stealing from someone else in the program will be terminated immediately
 Theft is an addictive behavior that will not be tolerated.
 Consequence is anyone caught stealing personal belongings will be  removed by the police immediately, with charges filed.
 Stealing food is a slightly different matter, although not tolerable.
Consequence for stealing someone else's food will result in your cooking a meal for the entire house and cleaning up afterwards and/or an unsuccessful stay. This includes house food from pantry.

30)  Each Thursday or Friday all residents will acknowledge with staff where they stand on house rental payments and other pertinent issues.
 Every resident needs to have rent paid one week in advance with one full week deposit, to be utilized as last week's rent.  Anyone leaving the program for any reason other than through a mutually agreed plan will forfeit any rent paid.  In other words, there will be no rent reimbursement.  Along with paying rent all residents will meet one-on-one with the director/house manager weekly, regardless of whether they owe rent or can pay rent.
  Anyone who falls behind on their rental agreement will need to make arrangements to catch up and to show their pay stub along with their payment.  Anyone who falls a week behind in their rental agreement must bring in their check UN-cashed to make appropriate arrangements.
Anyone who falls more than a week behind in their rental agreement may be removed unsuccessfully from the program. Residents are encouraged to bring in their paycheck un-cashed and keep their money on program books until it is mutually agreed that they are able to begin managing there own money without incident.
 Anyone removed from or leaving the program for any reason prior to a mutual date will forfeit their last weeks rent paid and deposit.

31)  The Alumni Club sponsors activities to assist in the positive promotion of the  Program and to assist in raising funds to support particular needs of their choosing.  This occurs both within the house and/or the community.

32) All residents who successfully complete the program are invited to become a part of the Alumni Club.  There is a ninety-day clean time requirement to maintain eligibility.
  This is a part of the Continued Care Agreement signed upon residency.  After the commitment to the Agreement is completed, it becomes a voluntary program.


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